June 30, 2021 โ The following was released by NOAA Fisheries:
The Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee (TRAC) will meet on July 12-14. This year, TRAC will consider the assessment for Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder, an update of biological and fishery indicators for Eastern Georges Bank Haddock and Atlantic Cod, an overview of the data limited methods tool (DLMtool) application to Atlantic Cod and the subsequent advice, and an update for Allocation Shares. Results of the 2021 TRAC assessment meeting will be reported to management agencies in both countries.
If you wish to attend, please confirm your participation at the meeting via MS Teams with your respective TRAC co-chair Tara Trinko Lake (U.S. Co-chair) or Tara McIntyre (Canadian Co-chair) by Monday, July 5th.
About TRAC
TRAC was established in 1998 to peer review assessments of transboundary fishery resources in the Georges Bank area, in order to ensure that the management efforts of both Canada and the United States of America, pursued either independently or cooperatively, are founded on a common understanding of fishery resource status.