June 20, 2022 — There are 12 RFMOs besides the five tuna RFMOs, covering the majority of the world’s oceans and other highly migratory species. They are:
- AIDCP: Agreement on the International Dolphin Conservation Programme
- NEAFC: North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission
- NAFO: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
- NASCO: North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation
- SEAFO: South-East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation
- SIOFA: Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement
- SPRFMO: South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organization
- CCAMLR: Convention on Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
- GFCM: General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean
- CCBSP: Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock Resources in the Central Bering Sea
- WECAFC: Western Central Atlantic Fisheries Commission
- CECAF: Fisheries Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic
Tom Pickerell, the executive director of the Global Tuna Alliance, said seafood supply chain companies have little engagement with these lesser-known RFMOs, despite the important role they play in fisheries management. But he said that is starting to change.
Read the full story at SeafoodSource