January 27, 2025 — Federal regulations, the new Trump Administration, the economy, climate, and offshore wind all play a part in the livelihood of South Coast scallopers and the most lucrative port in the nation. Watch the full Chat here to learn more.
Offshore Wind Farms: A Growing Concern
The panel highlighted concerns over offshore wind development, with many citing its impact on scallop habitats. The recent moratorium on new offshore wind leases and reviews of existing projects was welcomed by the panel.
“Wind farms change currents,” said Eric Hansen. “All scallop larvae, when they’re first born, are floating in the currents. It’s gonna change where they settle. It’s gonna change where the predators are because you change the environment.”
Tony Alvernaz expressed skepticism about whether turbines could ever be removed completely. “Even if they were to be decommissioned, decommissioning them basically means cutting them off at 15 feet above the ground,” he explained. “The rocks around them are there forever, and it’s a dead zone for fishing pretty much.”
Jim Kendall shared his experiences working with Vineyard Wind, noting that the company made efforts to engage with local fishermen. However, he contrasted this with other companies that have not shown the same level of respect or concern for the fishing industry.
Declining Scallop Stocks
Scallop landings have declined significantly, with Hansen reporting that total landings are expected to be 15–18 million pounds this year, down from the 40–60 million pounds typically landed in previous years.
“The total landing is going to be down even with the increased days of sea fishing going from 20 to 24,” Hansen said. “The catch per day is down so much we would need 30 or 40 days to catch what we used to catch in 20.”
Surveys have shown high numbers of juvenile scallops, which could lead to a recovery in the future. “If they all survive and grow, we are looking to rebound in a couple of years,” Hansen said, adding that the fishery could recover by 2027.
Northern Edge Closure Frustrates Fishermen
The Northern Edge of Georges Bank, a scallop-rich area, has been closed to fishing for decades, a decision that continues to frustrate many in the industry. The area was designated as a habitat area of particular concern (HAPC) for groundfish spawning, but fishermen argue that there is little evidence to justify the closure.
“The surveys that we’ve done hardly show any fish up there,” said Alvernaz. “The justification is insane.”
Hansen explained that the closure was tied to protecting cobble and gravel habitat thought to be important for codfish spawning. However, he acknowledged that the science on codfish presence in the area is limited.
Economic Pressures on Scallopers
Alvernaz detailed the rising costs of operating scallop boats, including higher prices for gear, fuel, and maintenance. “It cost me $60,000 last year to paint one boat,” he said. “And with quotas down, it’s foolish to run boats for such little return.”
The panel discussed potential solutions, including allowing multiple permits on a single boat, which would reduce inefficiencies. “It cost me $60,000 last year just to paint one boat,” Alvernaz reiterated, adding that operating at current quota levels is becoming unsustainable.
Japanese Scallops and Market Pressure
The panel also touched on the impact of Japanese scallop imports, which have introduced significant competition for smaller scallops in the U.S. market. Hansen noted that Japanese scallops are priced at around $12 per pound, making it difficult for American fishermen to compete.
“The 25 to 30 per pound scallops from Japan are driving the price down for our smaller scallops,” Hansen said.
Offshore Wind and the Need for Studies
The panel emphasized the importance of scientific research to assess the impact of offshore wind farms on the scallop fishery. Hansen stressed the need for baseline studies to document the state of the environment before more wind projects are developed.
“For a baseline study, you need five to ten years of data,” Hansen said. “We’re late in getting the data to judge impacts.”
Alvernaz added that scallop larvae can attach to structures like turbines, which may create changes in where scallops settle over time.
Looking Ahead
The panelists concluded by expressing the need for continued dialogue and action to address these challenges. “We’ve been through tough times before,” said Kendall, “and we’ll get through this too.”
As the scallop industry faces an uncertain future, fishermen, scientists, and policymakers will need to collaborate to find solutions that protect livelihoods and ensure the sustainability of the fishery.