February 23, 2018 โ The following was released by the New England Fishery Management Council:
The New England Fishery Management Council is participating in three seminars at the March 1-3, 2018 Maine Fishermenโs Forum at the Samoset Resort in Rockport, ME. Come join us!
- Meet some of our staff members.
- Ask us questions.
- Learn more about the Councilโs work.
The forum provides a casual setting where stakeholders โ fishermen, scientists, fishery managers, environmentalists, and legislators alike โ can engage in meaningful conversation.
On Friday, March 2, weโll be talking about Atlantic herring, electronic monitoring, and the Northern Gulf of Maine scallop fishery. Here are the details.
Atlantic Herring Amendment 8 Informational Update
WHEN: 9 a.m. in the Rockland Room
WHATโS THIS ABOUT: The New England Council is developing Amendment 8 to the federal Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan to consider:
(1) Potential changes to how target catches are set in the herring fishery, starting with a new acceptable biological catch (ABC) control rule; and
(2) Alternatives to address potential localized depletion and user conflicts in the fishery.
The amendment will be going out to public hearing in April or May. This forum session provides an ideal opportunity for fishermen and other stakeholders to ask questions and become more familiar with the alternatives in advance of the formal hearings.
FORMAT: The session will open with a short overview of the Council process, followed by the Amendment 8 discussion, and conclude with a presentation by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) on the federal Omnibus Industry-Funded Monitoring Amendment, which includes proposed measures for the Atlantic herring fishery.
WHOโS ON THE PANEL: Mary Beth Tooley of the OโHara Corporation is the forum board member who is hosting this session. She also is the moderator. The panel members are:
- Deirdre Boelke, New England Fishery Management Council, Atlantic Herring Plan Coordinator
- Carrie Nordeen, National Marine Fisheries Service, Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO)
Electronic Monitoring (EM) on the Water
WHEN: 1 p.m. in the Rockland Room
WHATโS THIS ABOUT: The New England Council and NMFS are taking steps to improve monitoring in the groundfish fishery. These ongoing efforts have prompted increased interest in using camera systems as an alternative to human at-sea monitors. The question is: Can cameras, coupled with dockside monitoring, provide the necessary level of coverage to meet catch monitoring requirements? In an effort to find out, fishermen are participating in several groundfish pilot programs to explore the feasibility of using this electronic monitoring (EM) technology on their boats. The seminar will spotlight the pilot programs, and groundfish captains who are experimenting with EM will share their perspectives on how EM actually works on the water.
FORMAT: Following a brief overview of the ongoing projects, panelists will give quick synopses of the EM projects theyโre involved with and explain why they were willing to participate. Then, EM footage from several of their boats will be shown, and the affiliated captains on the panel will help guide the audience through whatโs going on. They also will discuss fishing operations and catch handling while using EM. Plenty of time will be available for questions. Exchanges between fishermen in the audience and panel members are encouraged.
WHOโS ON THE PANEL: Gerry Cushman of the F/V Bug Catcha is the forum board member who is hosting this session. Janice Plante of the New England Fishery Management Council is the moderator. The panel members are:
- Randy Cushman, F/V Ella Christine, Port Clyde, ME, trawl fishery
- Mike Russo, F/V Gulf Venture, Provincetown, MA, gillnet fishery
- Tyler Bond, F/V Safe Haven (crew), F/V Savage Joe (owner), Harpswell, ME, jig fishery
- Mike Monteforte, F/V Second Wind, Point Judith, RI, trawl fishery
- Bob Dooley, owner/operator of West Coast and Alaska-based vessels for over 40 years, Half Moon Bay, CA, trawl/crab fisheries
- Claire Fitz-Gerald, NMFS/GARFO Fishery Management Specialist, introductory/overview speaker
Northern Gulf of Maine Federal Scallop Fishery
WHEN: 2:45 p.m. in the Rockport Room
WHATโS THIS ABOUT: The New England Council recently completed Framework Adjustment 29 to the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery Management Plan. The framework contains specifications and measures for the 2018 federal scallop fishing year, which begins on April 1. The National Marine Fisheries Service has published a proposed rule containing just the Northern Gulf of Maine (NGOM) Management Area provisions within the framework and is collecting public comment through March 7. The agency broke out the NGOM measures from the rest of the scallop actions to ensure they are in place by April 1. The intent is to prevent excessive fishing in the Northern Gulf of Maine area. This seminar will provide an overview of the Northern Gulf of Maine management measures and cover how and why they were developed. Information about scallop surveys and research priorities also will be discussed.
FORMAT: The session will begin with an explanation of federal scallop fishery management in the Northern Gulf of Maine. Panelists then will provide information about 2018 scallop work priorities, changes to the Scallop Research Set-Aside (RSA) Program, scallop surveys, and research initiatives for the Northern Gulf of Maine Management Area. Fishermen are encouraged to ask questions about any of these scallop-related activities.
WHOโS ON THE PANEL: Kristan Porter of the F/V Whitney & Ashley is a member of the New England Councilโs Scallop Advisory Panel. He is the forum board member who is hosting this session, and he also is the moderator. The panel members are:
- Jonathon Peros, New England Fishery Management Council, Scallop Plan Coordinator
- Travis Ford, NMFS, Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office
- Vincent Balzano, New England Fishery Management Council, Scallop Committee Chairman; commercial fisherman
MAINE FISHERMENโS FORUM INFORMATION: Many other seminars are lined up. General information about the 2018 forum, including hotel details, directions, and background, is available at Maine Fishermenโs Forum. The seminar descriptions and schedule can be downloaded at forum lineup.
View the event in more detail at the NEFMC site here.