August 12, 2016 — The following was released by NOAA:
NOAA Fisheries announces the 2016-2018 final management measures for the spiny dogfish fishery.
We are increasing the spiny dogfish federal trip limit from 5,000 lb to 6,000 lb. Increasing the trip limits will help an underutilized fishery better achieve optimum yield.
Commercial Spiny Dogfish Quotas Through FY 2018
2016: 40.4 million pounds (-20% from 2015)
2017: 39.1 million pounds (-23% from 2015)
2018: 38.2 million pounds (-25% from 2015)
While these quotas are lower than the 2015 quotas, the limits are substantially higher than actual landings in the fishery since 2000, and approximately twice the 2014 landings. We are reducing the quota due to a biomass decline of spiny dogfish.
These changes are effective August 15, 2016.
Read the permit holder bulletin and the final rule as published in the Federal Register.