June 17, 2019 — When Texas anglers catch a red snapper between now and the end of the year, they might be landing more than the most popular reef fish in the Gulf of Mexico and the makings of some wonderful meals. That red snapper could prove a pretty good payday for its captor and provide crucial information in an unprecedented research project aimed at benefiting the fish and the anglers who target them.
As part of a two-year program titled “The Great Red Snapper Count,” fisheries researchers earlier this year captured 4,000 red snapper from offshore waters along the length of the gulf coast, from Key West to Brownsville. They fit those snapper with small streamer tags — bright yellow, thin plastic tubes that resemble a short piece of spaghetti on which is printed an identifying number and a request that the person catching the fish call a contact number printed on the tag.
Also printed on each tag is “Reward $250.” Some of the 4,000 snapper are fit with two tags, upping the reward to $500 for the person reporting the capture of those fish.
The tagged snapper were released where they were caught, in dozens of offshore locations off the coast of the five Gulf states. And, barely two weeks into the recreational snapper fishing season in federal waters off Texas, a little less than 100 anglers have landed tagged snapper, reported their catch and claimed their $250-$500 reward.
“They’re thrilled,” said Dannielle Kulaw, project coordinator for the program, which is based out of Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies at Texas A&M-Corpus Christi and the person who answers when anglers call the contact number on the tags. “There hasn’t been one unhappy person. And we’re happy, too.”