April 18, 2018 — “Where the Land Meets the Sea,” a series of lectures at the New Bedford Whaling Museum in 2018, will feature projects, organizations and people who are working to restore and maintain ocean health and marine wildlife.
The series premieres April 26 with “Underwater Yellowstones.” Experts will explore marine sanctuaries off the coast and their associated benefits and challenges for fish, whales, scientists and humans. “Underwater Yellowstones” speakers are Benjamin Haskell, acting superintendent of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, NOAA ; Jenni Stanley, marine scientist with Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NOAA; and Michelle Bachman, habitat coordinator for New England Fishery Management Council.
The lecture begins at 7 p.m. and will be preceded by a reception at 6. Tickets are $10 for museum members and $15 for nonmembers. To register call (508) 997-0046 (ext. 100) or visit whalingmuseum.org.
Read the full story at the New Bedford Standard-Times