Delaware Bay-Origin Horseshoe Crab Quota (no. of crabs) Total Quota** State Male Only Male Only Delaware 173,014 173,014 New Jersey 173,014 173,014 Maryland 132,865 255,980 Virginia* 21,107 81,331*Virginia harvest refers to harvest east of the COLREGS line only**Total harvest quotas for Maryland and Virginia include crabs which are not of Delaware Bay origin.
ASMFC 81st Annual Meeting Final Supplemental Materials Now Available
October 15, 2023 — Read the full article at Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission:
Tautog Management Board – Public Comment
Horseshoe Crab Management Board – Public Comment
Shad & River Herring Management Board – Public Comment
Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board – Public Comment
The link to the Shad & River Herring Management Board’s first supplemental is now –
As a reminder, the Commission’s Public Comment Guidelines are:
For issues that are not on the agenda, management boards will continue to provide an opportunity to the public to bring matters of concern to the board’s attention at the start of each board meeting. Board chairs will ask members of the public to raise their hands to let the chair know they would like to speak. Depending upon the number of commenters, the board chair will decide how to allocate the available time on the agenda (typically 10 minutes) to the number of people who want to speak.
For topics that are on the agenda, but have not gone out for public comment, board chairs will provide limited opportunity for comment, taking into account the time allotted on the agenda for the topic. Chairs will have flexibility in deciding how to allocate comment opportunities; this could include hearing one comment in favor and one in opposition until the chair is satisfied further comment will not provide additional insight to the board.
For agenda action items that have already gone out for public comment, it is the Policy Board’s intent to end the occasional practice of allowing extensive and lengthy public comments. Currently, board chairs have the discretion to decide what public comment to allow in these circumstances.
ASMFC 81st Annual Meeting Supplemental Materials Now Available
October 11, 2023 — The following was released by Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission:
Supplemental materials for ASMFC’s 81st Annual Meeting are now available and can be found in the below links or at For ease of access, all the supplemental materials have been combined into one document:
American Lobster Management Board – Public Comment
Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership Steering Committee – Business Plan
Horseshoe Crab Management Board – Advisory Panel Nomination and Public Comment
Shad & River Herring Management Board – Technical Committee Meeting Summary and Draft FMP Review for the 2022 Fishing Year
ACCSP Coordinating Council – MAFMC Funding Letter
Atlantic Menhaden Management Board – VIMS Atlantic Menhaden Research Planning; Draft FMP Review for the 2022 Fishing Year; Public Comment
Business Session of the Commission – Draft 2024 Action Plan and Draft 2024-2028 Strategic Plan
Spiny Dogfish Management Board – Draft FMP Review for the 2022/2023 Fishing Year
Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board – PDT Memo on Draft Addendum II Board Discussion
Sciaenids Management Board – Public Comment
As a reminder, the Commission’s Public Comment Guidelines are:
For issues that are not on the agenda, management boards will continue to provide an opportunity to the public to bring matters of concern to the board’s attention at the start of each board meeting. Board chairs will ask members of the public to raise their hands to let the chair know they would like to speak. Depending upon the number of commenters, the board chair will decide how to allocate the available time on the agenda (typically 10 minutes) to the number of people who want to speak.
For topics that are on the agenda, but have not gone out for public comment, board chairs will provide limited opportunity for comment, taking into account the time allotted on the agenda for the topic. Chairs will have flexibility in deciding how to allocate comment opportunities; this could include hearing one comment in favor and one in opposition until the chair is satisfied further comment will not provide additional insight to the board.
For agenda action items that have already gone out for public comment, it is the Policy Board’s intent to end the occasional practice of allowing extensive and lengthy public comments. Currently, board chairs have the discretion to decide what public comment to allow in these circumstances.
- Comments received by 10 AM on Friday, October 13 will be distributed electronically to Commissioners/Board members prior to the meeting.
The submitted comments must clearly indicate the commenter’s expectation from the ASMFC staff regarding distribution; please submit via email.
ASMFC 81st Annual Meeting Final Agenda and Materials Now Available
October 4, 2023 — The following was released by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s 81st Annual Meeting will be held October 16-19, 2023 at the Beaufort Hotel,
Red Drum Benchmark Stock Assessment Workshop Scheduled for November 6-9 in Charleston, SC
September 26, 2023 — The following was release by Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission:
Arlington, VA – The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission will hold the Red Drum Benchmark Stock Assessment Workshop at the Charleston Marriott, 170 Lockwood Boulevard, Charleston, SC. The stock assessment will evaluate the health of Atlantic red drum stocks and inform management of this species. The Commission’s stock assessment process and meetings are open to the public, with the exception of discussions of confidential data*, when the public will be asked to leave the room.
- Develop model(s) used to estimate population parameters (e.g., fishing mortality, abundance) and reference points, and analyze model performance
- Discuss the effects of data strengths and weaknesses (e.g., temporal and spatial scale, gear selectivities, ageing accuracy, sample size) on model inputs and outputs
- State assumptions made for all models and explain the likely effects of assumption violations on synthesis of input data and model outputs
- Characterize uncertainty of model estimates and reference points
- Perform retrospective analyses, assess magnitude and direction of retrospective patterns detected, and discuss implications of any observed retrospective pattern for uncertainty in population parameters (e.g., fishing mortality, abundance), reference points, and/or management measures
- Recommend stock status as related to reference points (if available)
ASMFC Seeks Proposals for the Redesign of SEAMAP-South Atlantic Website Proposals Due October 13, 2023
August 28, 2023 — The following was released by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission:
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking a web developer to design and host a new website for the South Atlantic portion of the Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP). SEAMAP aids in the collection, management, and dissemination of fishery-independent data throughout coastal waters in the southeastern US. The primary goal of this website is to serve as an information hub for the public and state agency members to access resources pertaining to southeastern coastal surveys. The website should heighten the understanding and use of SEAMAP surveys and the importance of fishery-independent data, while also being a repository for information.
Atlantic Herring Area 1A Fishery Moves to Zero Landing Days for Season 1 on August 26, 2023 at 12:01 a.m.
August 26, 2023 — The following was released by Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission:
The Area 1A (inshore Gulf of Maine) Atlantic herring fishery is projected to have harvested 92% of the Season 1 (June 1 – September 30) allocation by August 25, 2023. Beginning at 12:01 a.m. on Saturday, August 26, 2023, the Area 1A fishery will move to zero landing days through September 30, 2023, as specified in Amendment 3 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Herring.
ASMFC 81st Annual Meeting Preliminary Agenda and Public Comment Guidelines
August 26, 2023 — The following was released by Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission:
The agenda is subject to change. Bulleted items represent the anticipated major issues to be discussed or acted upon at the meeting. The final agenda will include additional items and may revise the bulleted items provided below. The agenda reflects the current estimate of time required for scheduled Board meetings. The Commission may adjust this agenda in accordance with the actual duration of Board meetings. Interested parties should anticipate Boards starting earlier or later than indicated herein.
ASMFC Coastal Pelagics Board Sets Atlantic Cobia Total Harvest Quota for 2024-2026 Fishing Seasons
August 3, 2023 — The following was released by Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission:
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Coastal Pelagics Management Board approved a total harvest quota for the Atlantic migratory group of cobia of 80,112 fish for the 2024-2026 fishing seasons. This total quota results in a coastwide recreational quota of 76,908 fish and commercial quota of 73,116 pounds.
The total quota level was first approved in February 2020 for the 2020-2022 fishing seasons. In 2021, the Board changed the cobia quota timeframe from 2020-2022 to 2021-2023. Based on the recommendation from the Technical Committee and in the absence of a new stock assessment, the Board has set the 2024-2026 total harvest quota equal to the 2023 total harvest quota of 80,112 fish.
A new stock assessment for Atlantic migratory group of cobia is scheduled for 2025, with the potential to inform 2026 or later total harvest quotas. The Board will meet in October 2023 to consider new recreational management measures for some states. For more information, please contact Chelsea Tuohy, Fishery Management Plan Coordinator, at
ASMFC American Eel Board Accepts Benchmark Assessment & Peer Review Report for Management Use Two Addenda Initiated for Yellow Eel and Maine Glass Eel Fisheries
August 2, 2023 — The following was released by Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission:
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s American Eel Management Board has accepted the American Eel Benchmark Stock Assessment and Peer Review Report for management use. The Report indicates the stock is at or near historically low levels due to a combination of historical overfishing, habitat loss, food web alterations, predation, turbine mortality, environmental changes, and toxins, contaminants, and disease. Since completion of the first Commission American eel stock assessment in 2005, available data have not allowed overfishing or overfished determinations to be made. Based on several trend analyses, the stock is considered depleted, consistent with the findings of the 2012 and 2017 assessments.
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