April 3, 2019 — WASHINGTON — The following was released by the National Coalition for Fishing Communities:
This morning, the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation approved Barry Myers, former CEO of the weather forecasting company AccuWeather, to lead NOAA. This is the third time the Commerce Committee has approved Mr. Myers, but his nomination has yet to be brought to a vote before the full Senate. The National Coalition for Fishing Communities (NCFC) urges everyone in the seafood industry to send a message to their Senators supporting Mr. Myers’ nomination.
In an effort organized by the NCFC in late 2017, representatives of 71 commercial fishing companies and organizations and 31 fishing vessels from around the country signed a letter urging the Senate to confirm Mr. Myers.
“As CEO of AccuWeather, Mr. Myers has a proven record of success, working alongside scientists,” the fishing groups wrote at the time.
The industry signers touted Mr. Myers’ record as a fellow of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and a recipient of the prestigious AMS Leadership Award. He has also served on the Environmental Information Services Working Group of NOAA’s Science Advisory Board for 5 different heads of NOAA’s National Weather Service, under presidents of both parties.