June 29, 2015 — The following was released by the New England Fishery Management Council:
NOAA Fisheries Chief Eileen Sobeck announced Friday that the agency is recommending funding for 88 marine fisheries research projects via the 2014-2015 Saltonstall-Kennedy (SK) Grant Program. According to the announcement, awards totaling $25 million represent the most significant amount of funding ever granted by NOAA under the decades-old program. The complete list is available at http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/mb/financial_services/skhome.htm.
Check here for a detailed list of Greater Atlantic Region (Maine to North Carolina) projects that, according to Regional Administrator John Bullard, comprised 38 percent of the total awards nationwide.
The announcement adds that application approval and funds obligation is not final. Divisions of NOAA and the Department of Commerce, NOAA’s parent agency, must still give final approval for the projects. Successful applicants will receive funding in the near future.