May 28, 2014 — The following was released by MIT Sea Grant:
It's Hurricane Preparedness Week, and as we draw nearer to our Climate Change Symposium on Sustaining Coastal Cities next month, we invite you to read this special profile of two of our guest speakers.
Robert Beardsley is a scientist emeritus of physical oceanography at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI), and Changsheng Chen leads the Marine Ecosystem Dynamics Modeling Research Laboratory at UMASS Dartmouth's School for Marine Science and Technology. Through a close and long-term partnership, they have worked together on several projects, including the development of FVCOM, which has received MIT Sea Grant sponsorship since 2006. They will present this work at the symposium as part of a discussion on predictions, scenarios, and downscaling global models for local communities.
Sign up today to meet Beardsley and Chen, along with a large array of other impressive leaders in academia, government, and private industry during the symposium next month. They will address concerns for change in sea level, storm surges, extreme precipitation and flooding and options for adapting to these risks. The noted speakers with vested interests in public health and safety will share the latest scientific, technical and social information in the following three general thematic areas:
– Current knowledge of the science and uncertainty associated with predictions and future scenarios of sea level rise, storms, precipitation, models, and tools as they apply to coastal cities and populations in Boston, Cambridge and surrounding towns.
-Understanding risks and responsibilities for public health and safety and the politics and policies that limit what can be done within current practices and regulations.
– Evaluating adaptation measures that include green landscaping, planning and implementation, communicating with the public, and identifying efforts to mitigate human-related impacts on climate.
Please spread the word about this conference and sign up today! We look forward to seeing you here next month.