January 12, 2023 — The following was released by NOAA Fisheries:
Up to $1.5 million in grant funds are available to support research into how key Chesapeake Bay fisheries species change their behavior to deal with changing habitat and climate. Applications are due April 17, 2023.
This grant program funds research on topics that resource managers want and need to know more about. The results of this research help inform science-based management decisions that are part of protecting and restoring important habitat.
Climate change is already affecting the Chesapeake Bay—and the wildlife that lives there. We need to better understand how Chesapeake Bay fish species will be affected as climate change affects the habitats they need. Resource managers can then include that science in their decision-making process. Projects funded through this grant will help us gain that knowledge.
Funded projects will also develop ways to evaluate how successful nearshore habitat restoration supports fish species and communities in the face of climate change.
Scientists who have not been funded through this program will receive preference for funding. Projects that would employ and educate undergraduate or graduate students from groups underrepresented in marine science careers, including minorities, will also receive preference.
We invite potential applicants to learn more about the application process by joining us online for a webinar on January 20, 2023, at 10 a.m. EST.
This opportunity is managed by the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office, a division within the Office of Habitat Conservation in NOAA Fisheries.