It can be easy to forget the mortal danger fishermen put themselves in every day they go to work, whether on a weeklong trip offshore to Georges Bank, a quick half-day round trip to Middlebank, or even closer to home tending trawls of lobster traps within sight of dry land.
But Peter K. Prybot's last lobstering trip from Rockport's Pigeon Cove Sunday morning to service his traps around the breakwater a couple of miles away was a startling and heartbreaking reminder — fishing is a dangerous way to make a modest living.
Around 3 that afternoon, the Coast Guard pulled Prybot's body from the water, entangled in rope, presumably from gear from the deck of his 22-foot skiff he had gained decades of experience handling.
An official finding of the cause of Prybot's death at 63, is not expected or some time by the state medical examiner's office.
Read the complete story from The Gloucester Times.