We had an unusual story on our front page Thursday.
While it touched on a key issue relating to our Gloucester and New England fishermen, it was primarily a story about another story, one that had been put out by another "news" agency. And that's not the kind of story readers are used to seeing in the Times.
The story in question was Richard Gaines' piece on a "report" put out by an online service called Seafoodnews.com. And it noted that the so-called report indicated that fishermen's landings had been up by some 15 percent for the first week that fishermen were working under the new catch-share system.
If true, the information would have been significant — especially given our own reports that, with few fishermen going out under the confusing new system, landings appeared to be down at both the Gloucester Seafood Display Auction and in New Bedford.
Read the complete story at The Gloucester Daily Times.