To the [Gloucester Times] editor:
I would like to express my support for Ann-Margaret Ferrante for the position of state representative.
I know Ann-Margaret to be a dedicated and determined representative of our local fishermen and fishing industry. Personally, as a seafood industry member, I have seen Ann-Margaret make great strides with tremendous effort and assertiveness in our struggles. She has truly been an incredible force in the pursuit of a better future for all in our community.
As a legislative aide to Sen. Bruce Tarr, as the executive director of the Massachusetts Fisheries Commission, as an attorney in private practice, Ann-Margaret has become extremely educated about her district and the ongoing threat to the fishing industry and the community.
She is one of a few who recognized the urgency of change and attention to what was happening within a corrupt government agency, NOAA law enforcement. If not for her tireless efforts to make things right, there would not have been an Inspector General's report addressing the abuse issues against fishermen from NOAA law enforcement, there would not have been an alternative technology for stock assessment and the fight to get allocations right.
Read the complete letter from The Gloucester Times.