Late Wednesday, Alaska Sen. Mark Begich introduced two pieces of legislation that would provide for better science, response, and rescue related to oil and gas activities in Alaska’s Arctic waters (attached). The following is a statement from Oceana’s Pacific Senior Counsel, Michael LeVine regarding those bills.
“Oceana applauds Sen. Begich’s commitment to ensuring that science and safety measures are in place to keep Alaska’s coasts, communities, and fisheries safe for generations to come. The ongoing tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico is a stark reminder of the increasing risks as oil companies drill in remote, sensitive places and under forbidding conditions. With exploration wells similar to the one in the Gulf proposed in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, it is imperative we have adequate scientific data to proceed as safely and efficiently as possible, and that we have sufficient response and recovery resources in the area before any work begins.
Read the complete press release from Oceana.