Today,Congressman Barney Frank responded to interim rules issued by theNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which areintended to strike a balance between maintaining a sustainable fishpopulation and protecting the local fishing industry. The interimrules are a revision of previous rules issued by the Bushadministration. They will stay in effect until the finalregulations are issued in May 2010, after an in-depth review of currentpolicies.
Congressman Frank stated that the new interim rule wasa step in the right direction, but that further amendment would benecessary to protect local fisherman.
“Our first experience withthe Obama administration with respect to this issue has some good newsand bad news,” said Congressman Frank. “I appreciate theAdministrator’s willingness to meet with members of Congress on theAmendment 16 Interim Rule and the subsequent action to make someimprovements to the original interim proposal under the BushAdministration.”
Read the complete story at Congressman Barney Frank’s Website.