January 8, 2016 — The following was released by the Office of Seth Moulton:
Washington, DC – Today, Congressman Seth Moulton (D-MA) sent a letter to Undersecretary Kathryn Sullivan at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to voice strong support for the New England Fishery Management Council’s (Council) proposed At Sea Monitoring (ASM) reforms. As costs are expected to shift to the fishing industry, regional House and Senate members committed to improving the science that is used to set ASM coverage rates and safeguarding cost efficiencies.
“I want to thank Administrator Bullard and the Council for taking these steps to improve the At Sea Monitoring program,” said Moulton. “At a time when our fishing industry is already facing serious financial hardship, it’s critical that we implement systems that both enhance sustainable management and ensure the long-term economic viability of the fishery.”
The New England fishing community, including members of the Northeast Seafood Coalition, also expressed their support for the Council’s proposed reforms.
“It is time to use the wealth of data generated over these years to design an ASM program that is both effective and cost efficient,” said Jackie Odell, Executive Director of the Northeast Seafood Coalition. “Northeast Seafood Coalition (NSC) continues to fully support Congressional efforts to offset costs of the ASM program to the commercial groundfish fishermen, but evolving the coverage-rate methodology at this juncture is a critical step forward.”
If adopted, the Council’s reforms would be implemented for fishing year 2016.
“NSC truly appreciates the exceptional region-wide support from our Congressional representatives for the policy and analytical improvements to the ASM program recently adopted by the New England Fishery Management Council with the support of GARFO Administrator John Bullard,” said Odell. “We are particularly thankful to Congressman Moulton for his leadership in spearheading this very important letter to NOAA Administrator Sullivan,” she said.
Senators Warren, Shaheen, Ayotte, King, Collins, Murphy, Blumenthal, Whitehouse, Reed, and Congressmen Keating, Lynch, Guinta, Courtney, Poliquin, Pingree and Capuano signed on to the letter.
To learn more about Congressman Seth Moulton visit www.moulton.house.gov or find the Congressman on
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