NEW BEDFORD — What set off Mayor Scott W. Lang — and what prompted a waterfront Democratic rally Friday — was a remark by the Republican candidate for governor to the effect that Gov. Deval Patrick had somehow let down the fishing industry and the port of New Bedford.
Lang told the mid-afternoon rally, "I saw a small snippet of Charlie Baker questioning the governor's commitment to the port of New Bedford and the fish industry that makes us the No. 1 port in America."
So, he said, he contacted the Patrick campaign to ask for an unscheduled visit so he could "lay to rest the idea" that Baker brings more value to the city and to fishing families than the governor, "who has been working on this for 4½ years now," Lang said.
"What Charlie Baker knows about fish can be summed up in: aquariums and on plates," Lang said to cheers and laughter from Patrick and the small sign-carrying gathering on Homer's Wharf.
Read the complete story from The South Coast Today.