July 18, 2014 — The following was released by the North Carolina Fisheries Association:
COMMERCIAL FISHERMAN ARTICLE IN WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS: Very good article that appeared in the July 15th edition of the Washington NC paper.
TRADEWINDS: As noted last week, we are delaying the printing of Tradewinds until the General Assembly adjourns. See Jerry's comments for more.
PAMLICO COUNTY FISHERMEN'S ASSOCIATION: Their next meeting will be scheduled when the General Assembly adjourns so Jerry can attend, so stay tuned for more information.
ALBEMARLE FISHERMEN'S ASSOCIATION next meeting to be announced.
BRUNSWICK COUNTY FISHERMEN'S ASSOCIATION has not scheduled their August meeting yet.
The General Assembly might adjourn next week. I hope so because the August fisheries calendar is BUSY!
First week of August has the NCFA Board meeting and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.
Second week has the Mid Atlantic Council meeting.
And the third week is the Marine Fisheries Commission.
As noted last week, the next issue of Tradewinds will be delayed until the General Assembly adjourns.
Some of you know and some may not, that I serve in a volunteer role as Chairman of the Craven-Pamlico Christian Coalition. This coming Monday two legislative candidates will be our guests: Carr Ipock, candidate for District Two, NC Senate and Whit Whitley candidate for District Three, NC House. They are both challenging incumbent legislators, Senator Norman Sanderson and Representative Michael Speciale, who we hope to schedule for our August 18th meeting. Please feel free to attend if you 'd like to listen to the candidates and ask questions. Our monthly meetings are held the third Monday of the month at Golden Corral in New Bern in the evening. Send me a note or call for more details.
God bless,
NOTE: If you are aware of ANY meetings that should be of interest to commercial fishing that is not on this list, please contact us so we can include it here.
Aug 4 NCFA Board of Directors; Hampton Inn; Washington NC; 2:00pm
Aug 4-8 Sedar workshop on Red Snapper and Gray Triggerfish
Aug 5-7 ASMFC Meeting; Alexandria VA
Aug 7 SAFMC Public Hearing & Scoping meeting on a variety of issues; Joslyn Hall, MC, 4-7pm
Aug 12-14 Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Council; Washington DC
Aug 20-22 Marine Fisheries Commission meeting; Brownstone in Raleigh
MFC/DMF Meeting Schedule