October 16, 2014 — While porgies, triggerfish, blackfish, cod and ling have kept folks occupied, most can't wait for another shot at sea bass. One reason is that there seems to be plenty around.
A fractured and somewhat confusing sea bass season now heads into the home stretch.
It began in May and was a hodgepodge of available fishing days and varying limits designed to help New Jersey stay within its sea bass quota.
The season opened with a 15-fish limit, which went down to three fish from July 1 to Aug. 31. Then it went back up to 15 fish on Sept. 1, but the season closed altogether on Sept. 6.
When it came to sea bass, it was difficult to know when it was time to fish or cut bait.
Starting Saturday, the final segment of the season opens with a bag limit of 15 fish at 12½ inches. Anglers can fish for them up until Dec. 31.
And people are champing at the bit to get at them. While porgies, triggerfish, blackfish, cod and ling have kept folks occupied, most can't wait for another shot at sea bass. One reason is that there seems to be plenty around.
Capt. George Bachert on the Angler out of Atlantic Highlands has been porgy fishing since the fluke season closed and said the number of big sea bass that have been caught — and thrown back — could make a grown man cry.
"I've seen an awful lot of sea bass around," Capt. Bachert said. He reported that the fish were in Raritan Bay and off the tip of Sandy Hook but they now seem to moving into deeper water. The captain said he threw one back that was close to 5 pounds.
Read the full story from the Asbury Park Press