Relations between the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and Seacoast fisherman have been tense for some time. In 2009, seven United States senators from New England sent a letter of complaint to the fisheries service. The letter stated that “the fisheries service has ignored a requirement to consider the financial health of the fishing community when making new rules because the proposed regulations ‘will bankrupt a fishery that has sustained New England’s coastal communities for generations.’” (Associated Press)
To improve relations between fishermen and the fisheries service, Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter has introduced the National Marine Fisheries Service Ombudsman Act of 2010 in the House. This legislation will create an Office of the Ombudsman within the NMFS who will act as a neutral third party to identify and attempt to resolve points of conflict between the NMFS and fishermen.
Shea-Porter said in a news release, “The fishing industry is a critical part of New Hampshire’s coastal economy, culture and history. Fisheries regulations have become increasingly complex and the relationship between our local fishermen and the National Fisheries Service has been strained. An ombudsman would provide a needed point of contact and source of information for our fishermen.”
Read the complete story at Bedford Journal.