SANDWICH, Mass. — June 26, 2014 — "This one knew it was an apex predator. It knew that it had no fear."
Those are the words of a man who dangled on the pulpit of a tuna boat, just above a 16- to-18-foot great white shark in Cape Cod Bay on Monday.
Captain Tyler Macallister said his vessel, the F/V Cynthia C, was about 6 miles southwest of Provincetown when the fish showed up for a meet and greet.
"She literally looked right up at us," said Macallister. "They are the blackest onyx eyes you'll ever see."
With first mate Todd Espindola driving the boat, Macallister grabbed a video camera and worked his way out onto the railed platform on the front of the Cynthia C.
That's when Espindola started singing the "Jaws" theme.
"There were a couple times where she rolled around and she looked right at Tyler," recalled Espindola, who lives in Dartmouth. "I got a little nervous for him because he was pretty close to the water, and if she wanted to, she could've come up and taken a bite out of him."
Was Macallister scared?
"Not at all," he said. "Very, very calm, both of us — the shark and me."
Read the full story and watch the video at the Cape Cod Times