NEW BEDFORD, Mass., — March 31, 2014 — More than 100 people packed into the Whaling Museum for Sunday's Taste of the Port event, which focused on creating a New Bedford Fishing Heritage Museum. The collaboration between the Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE), New Bedford Port Society and Working Waterfront Festival has a mission to raise awareness and historical respect of the fishing industry through renovating the Mariners' Home and the Seaman's Bethel into a museum.
"The fishing industry hasn't been recognized like the whaling and textile industries," said Fred Toomey, president of the New Bedford Port Society.
"This project will enlarge the scope of what people in our community can learn about the fishing industry," said Laura Orleans, who organizes the annual Working Waterfront Festival. "This is an exciting community project."
With an estimated cost of $2 million, the capital building fund is looking to raise $500,000. Teri Bernett, executive director of WHALE, is optimistic because, "any donations leverage a 100 percent match by the state of Massachusetts."
If funded, the project will connect the Marines' Home and the Seaman's Bethel with an enclosed walkway, ensuring handicap accessibility. Plans also include renovating the interiors of each building.
Read the full story at the New Bedford Standard-Times