September 30, 2014 — The following was released by the Maine Department of Marine Resources:
The group that will determine criteria for ecologically sensitive areas that should be closed to rockweed harvesting on the Maine coast, known as the Rockweed Working Group (Working Group), has scheduled its first two meetings, both of which will provide an opportunity for public input. The meetings will be held Oct. 15 from 3-7 p.m. at the Department of Marine Resources Natural Resources Service Center, Room 106, 6 Beech Street in Hallowell, and Nov. 17 from 3-7 p.m. at University of Maine Machias, Science Room 102,116 Obrien Avenue in Machias.
Both meetings will include a 3-5 p.m. meeting of the Working Group, which will include a discussion of criteria that should be used to evaluate whether commercial rockweed harvest presents an unreasonable impact to sensitive wildlife, to inform the designation of no-harvest areas.
From 5-7 pm the public will have an opportunity to provide suggestions to the Working Group and the Department of Marine Resources regarding the criteria, as well as species and areas that warrant protection.
Maine Department of Marine Resources Commissioner Patrick Keliher appointed the members of the Working Group in accordance with the Fishery Management Plan crafted last year for rockweed and LD 1830, An Act To Further the Implementation of the Rockweed Fishery Management Plan. The group’s purpose is to determine the impact of commercial rockweed harvest, if any, on sensitive wildlife, and recommend areas that are closed to commercial harvest based on their analysis.
The Working Group consists of scientists and others with expertise in relevant issues outlined last year by the team that developed the statewide Rockweed Fishery Management Plan and as specified by LD1830.
Following the fall meetings, the Working Group will continue their work by reviewing public input provided at these meetings, refining the evaluation criteria, and applying the criteria to specific species and areas along the Maine coast. The Working Group may make recommendations to the Commissioner for the closure of specific areas and will also advise the Commissioner on a process for reviewing and amending no-harvest areas in the future. Meetings will be held monthly and are expected continue through early 2015.
The Commissioner will consider the Working Group’s recommendations as well as those in the Rockweed Fishery Management Plan when developing the proposed regulations necessary to implement no-harvest areas. As with all Department of Marine Resources rule-making, other considerations will include guidance from the Attorney General’s Office, available department resources, enforceability, and public input submitted during the rulemaking public comment period.
For resource and management information on rockweed, visit .
For more information about the upcoming meetings, contact Department of Marine Resources Policy Development Specialist Chris Vonderweidt by email at .
PRESS CONTACT: Jeff Nichols, Maine Department of Marine Resources, 207-624-6569