September 6, 2014 — For more than two weeks talks of a strike by Louisiana shrimpers have filled VHF radios and social media. Talk has turned into action according to Louisiana Shrimp Association’s president Clint Guidry, as state shrimpers have put a moratorium on harvesting to protest falling shrimp prices at the dock.
The work stoppage of undetermined length was decided upon at an informal meeting of Louisiana Shrimp Association attended by more than 250 shrimpers from across this state. “This is not a strike,” Guidry told Gulf Seafood News. “This is a fisherman initiated work stoppage. We are asking everyone to stand united for this industry from the west to the east coast of the state.”
According to Guidry, “This is an industry problem that needs an industry solution.” The self described peacemaker, organizer and diplomat wants to work closely with shrimp processors to find solutions beneficial to both sides.
He said the shrimp stoppage is specially timed to currently declining catches. The expectation is for that to change in approximately a month’s time, and he’s hoping by then shrimpers and processors can find solutions to make sure everyone is profitable.
Read the full story at Gulf Seafood News