As the U.S. Commerce Department's economic disaster recovery team departed Gloucester after a two-day fact finding tour, the congressional delegation and Mayor Carolyn Kirk Thursday expressed hope for tangible relief and policy changes to remove the causes of the distress.
"My greatest expectation," said the mayor, "is that this process that they have been using across the country in targeted areas can be the beginning of sweeping change for the federal government to rid itself of the disconnect between Washington, D.C. and local communities."
Kirk noted that, while the 12-member disaster recovery unit — headed by Joshua Barnes of the department's Economic Development Administration — sat in a row to listen to community commentaries, a 12th member of the delegation, Kristen Sarri, of the Commerce Department's Office of Policy and Strategic Planning, sat in the audience.
"At a minimum level," Kirk said, "the federal team will draft a report based on its visit to Gloucester with its observations and recommendations."
Read the complete story from The Gloucester Times.