NEW BEDFORD, Mass. — April 27, 2015 — The EPA’s decision to ship PCB-contaminated material from the harbor offsite rather than burying it on the shoreline is a positive step but does not mean the clean-up fight is over, officials for the Buzzards Bay Coalition said Friday.
The EPA announced at an educational meeting Thursday that plans to place PCB-laden contaminants in confined disposal facilities, known as CDFs, have been scrapped. Instead, the material will be shipped to a PCP-regulated landfill in Michigan.
Environmentalists, including representatives of the Buzzards Bay Coalition, had raised concerns that these disposal facilities could expose residents to airborne PCBs and other potential hazards.
After studying the issue, the EPA decided that shipping the material offsite rather than keeping it on the shoreline was the “most effective and efficient’’ solution, said Kelsey O’Neil, community involvement coordinator for the EPA.
Read the full story from the New Bedford Standard-Times