April 16, 2015 — The following was released by NOAA:
Join us, and the Plimoth Plantation, as we celebrate the ongoing restoration of historic Town Brook, Plymouth Massachusetts. The second annual Herring Run Festival, which will be held on April 25 at the Jenny Grist Mill at Plimoth Plantation, is a family friendly festival, celebration, and exploration of Town Brook, the freshwater source likely responsible for the Pilgrims' initial settlement at Plymouth.
Spearheaded by the Town of Plymouth, in partnership with NOAA and other state and federal partners, three dams have been removed on Town Brook, one has been lowered, fish ladders have been installed, and the stream bed has been restored to improve spawning herring's access to the upper watershed.
Although the Town Brook herring run no longer attracts the nearly million fish believed to have supported the early Plymouth colonists, you can help document increased production of the run by helping with our spring fish count. Learn how at the Herring Run Festival, where we will be conducting herring fish counts with children of all ages. As part of the morning activities at the Festival, there will be also be formal dedication event to celebrate the removal of the Plymco Dam and the return of river herring, as well as additional activities for children, and vendors for all ages.The public is encouraged to attend and participate.
Get more details on the Herring Run Festival, or read up on the history of river herring at Town Book.
Questions? Contact Eric Hutchins at the NOAA Restoration Center at 978-281-9313 or eric.hutchins@noaa.gov.