November 3, 2014 — At last week’s 73rd annual meeting of the The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, the Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board approved Addendum IV which established new fishing mortality reference points as recommended by the 2013 benchmark stock assessment.
Under the addendum coastal states will be required to implement a 25 percent harvest reduction from 2013 levels, which was labeled Option B in the draft. All states will craft regulations prior to the start of the regulations the 2015 season to meet the reduction.
While each state will be able to develop their own plans to meet the target, a one-fish limit at 28 inches or 32 inches appeared to garner the most favor at three public hearings on the addendum held in New Jersey in September. Nine separate alternatives were listed under Option B in the addendum to achieve the goal and they can be reviewed at under Public Input.
The Commission’s Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass Management Board also initiated the development of Draft Addendum XXVI to the Summer Flounder Fishery Management Plan.
Read the full story at the Asbury Park Press