January 2, 2013 — Alaska’s seafood industry worked hard again in 2013 to ramp up its message to policy makers, most of whom still tend to overlook the industry’s economic significance to the state and beyond. What is that message?
That “the industry” is made up of thousands of small businesses – the fishing boats that each supports one or several families.
That the seafood companies in coastal towns provide one of the state’s biggest tax bases. And together, fishing and processing provide more jobs in Alaska than oil/gas, mining, tourism and timber combined. Seafood also is Alaska’s top export, far exceeding all other natural resources.
Here are fishing notables from 2013, in no particular order, followed by my annual Fish Picks and Pans:
Thousands of tiny red king crab raised at the Kodiak Fisheries Research Center were released into island waters, marking the first time hatchery-raised Alaska crab have been introduced into the wild. Divers will return to the stocking site to see how well they survive and thrive.
Halibut fishermen were again put on notice to expect a 21 percent coast-wide catch reduction for next year. That adds up to catches being slashed more than 70 percent over five years due primarily to slow growth rates. Also down by a dollar were dock prices as “halibut fatigue” finally hit the market over the skyrocketing costs and buyer scrambles for the dwindling fish. Meanwhile, the cost for halibut quota shares rose topped $50 per pound in prime areas.
The EPA concluded that developing one of the largest mines on earth at the headwaters of Bristol Bay would indeed put the world’s biggest sockeye salmon resource at risk. The agency will decide in early 2014 whether to use its authority to stop the issuance of Pebble Mine permits under the Clean Water Act.
Anglo-American pulled out of the Pebble Mine project, leaving Northern Dynasty of Canada as sole owner. Mine opponents said they will remain vigilant at the prospect of another investor signing onto the project.
The first ever salmon dip net fishery on the Lower Yukon River was a resounding success for 90 fishermen. The nets were allowed as a way to fish for a good run of chums while protecting the Yukon’s dwindling numbers of king salmon.
Harsh restrictions were imposed again on Kenai River sport and commercial fishermen due to continuing record low returns of king salmon.
To find clues and solutions to the disappearing king salmon, Gov. Parnell included $10 million in the budget as a first installment of a five year, $30 million research initiative focusing on 12 streams statewide.
An oversupply of cod in world markets caused prices to drop to a point where many fishermen stayed tied to the docks (21 cents). Going into the new year, reports indicate big improvements with strong demand and higher prices. Cod accounts for 11 percent of Alaska’s total fish landings, most of which goes to China to be reprocessed.
A superior court judge ruled that the Alaska Department of Natural Resources violated its own rules by denying Alaskans’ their right to keep water in streams to protect wild salmon runs, in this case, at the location of the proposed Chuitna coal mine.
Basketballs and mounds of buoys, Styrofoam and other marine debris continued to wash ashore in Alaska from the massive 2011 tsunami in Japan. The worst is reportedly yet to come, but it remains a head scratcher as to who picks up both the debris and the tab. At least 750,000 tons of debris is expected to hit Alaska’s coastline.