August 7, 2013 — Wild Alaska salmon commercial harvests in Alaska surged to over 140 million fish through Aug. 6, with the catch of pink salmon alone climbing to 95,618,000 fish.
In a strong run, with heavy fishing, it is going to be a good year for folks in most commercial fisheries, said Geron Bruce, assistant director of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game's Division of Commercial Fisheries.
The harvest through Aug. 6 exceeded 140 million fish, including the more than 95 million humpies, 28,323,000 red, 14,428,000 chum, 1,677,000 silver and 296,000 king salmon.
All major pink salmon producing areas were producing well, especially Prince William Sound and Southeast Alaska, Bruce said.
Even the Alaska Peninsula is producing better this year than in several years, and Kodiak is doing well too, he said.