NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is increasing quotas for the Northeast skate fishery for the rest of the 2011 fishing year. These higher quotas are expected to prolong the fishing season this year, and allow more skate landings.
•The skate wing fishery quota is now 31,609,884 lb (up from 20,302,373 lb).
•The skate bait fishery quota is now 15,923,991 lb (up from 1O,227,246lb).
Skate possession limits will remain the same, until further notice from NMFS:
•Skate wing possession limit (if using a Day-At-Sea) = 4,100 lb per trip (wing weight)
•Skate bait possession limit (with an active Skate Bait Letter of Authorization) = 20,000 lb per trip (whole weight)
•Non-Day-At-Sea skate possession limit = 500 lb wing weight (l ,135 lb whole weight)
•B-Day-At-Sea skate possession limit = 220 lb wing weight (500 lb whole weight).