Environmental advocates are seeking help from Commerce Secretary John Bryson to advance a stalled proposal to study the effects of fishing on Stellwagen Bank by banning or limiting the enterprise on nearly 40 percent of the marine sanctuary.
The Office of National Marine Sanctuaries released its draft report in September outlining its plans to close parts of the sanctuary to selected fishing gear and other portions to all fishing gear. At the time, it assumed that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration would then forward it to the New England Fishery Management Council to be considered for inclusion in new regulations protecting essential fish habitat.
The sanctuary proposal estimated a $4.4 million hit to fishermen if the additional areas are closed.
But Craig MacDonald, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary supervisor, said he was told by NOAA officials last month that they were holding off on recommending the proposal to the council.
Read the complete story from The Cape Cod Times