Regional fisheries experts are meeting this week in New Hampshire to examine a recent review of Gulf of Maine cod populations that found stocks at a very low level. Their decision could have a catalytic impact on the fishing industry in the Northeast.
The 2011 Cod Assessment came with figures much lower than those in the 2008 assessment, which showed cod stocks at much healthier levels. Last year's numbers, however, have many concerned that the fishery could be shut down.
"The 2008 assessment was basically overly optimistic", said Dr John Annala of the New England Fishery Management Council's (NEFMC) Scientific and Statistical Committee.
He believes the 2008 assessment must have over-estimated the stock size by between a whopping 30 and 50 per cent. He came to this conclusion in part because new data illustrate a lot more cod being caught by recreational fishers than previously estimated, MBPN reports.
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