WASHINGTON (Saving Seafood) November 7, 2012 – Dr. Bill Karp, recently appointed Science and Research Director for NOAA's Northeast Fisheries Science Center, discusses the upcoming groundfish science forum on Friday in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The forum will give fishermen the opportunity to meet with regulators and NOAA scientists. In this interview, Dr. Karp addresses concerns of industry members on stock assessments and current science, including the current controversy over Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder. Other topics include potential expansion of video surveys to fisheries beyond scallops, and collaborations between the Science Center and SMAST, as well as between the Science Center and fishermen.
In the full interview, Dr. Karp discussed the following topics:
● Friday's groundfish science forum in Portsmouth New Hampshire, and what attendees can expect from it
● Issues with the Georges Bank yellowtail flounder assessment, impact on the scallop industry and the transboundary allocation of the stock
● Collaborative science between the Science Center, SMAST, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, and other research institutions
● Potential expansion of video survey technology for finfish and other species
● SMAST scallop survey, HABCAM technology and the future of money allocations for scallop surveying
● Issues with the Bigelow survey vessel and the reasoning behind the changed survey equipment and techniques
● Gulf of Maine cod assessment status and the recreational catch recalculation
A ten-minute version of the interview aired on WBSM today. Listen to the full 30 minute version of the interview here.