September 11, 2020 — The following was released by NOAA Fisheries:
As authorized by the Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Fishery Management Plan, we are transferring 4,850,963 lb of unused quota from the Winter I commercial scup fishery to the Winter II fishery. This results in a revised Winter II commercial scup quota of 8,394,299 lb.
We are also increasing the commercial scup possession limit for the Winter II season to 24,000 lb, per trip (from 12,000 lb), based on the amount of quota being rolled over from Winter I to Winter II.
When state and federal possession limits are different, fishermen with both state and federal permits are required to abide by the more restrictive of the two.
For more details, read the Federal Register notice as filed today, and the bulletin on our website.