July 7, 2014 — The following was released by NOAA:
Today, NOAA Fisheries announces final 2014 recreational management measures for the Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass fisheries in Federal waters.
Effective Monday, July 7th we are:
– Approving regional conservation equivalency for the summer flounder fishery, which means that recreational measures are established by each state;
– Establishing a 9-inch minimum fish size, 30-fish possession limit, and a year-round open season for the scup fishery; and
– Establishing a 12.5-inch minimum fish size, 15-fish possession limit, and open seasons of May 19-September 21 and October 18-December 31 for the black sea bass fishery.
Please keep in mind that if the Federal minimum size, possession limit, and/or season differ from the regulations for the state in which you will be landing, you must follow the more restrictive regulations.
For a copy of the Fishery Bulletin that contains more detailed information, including the summer flounder and black sea bass recreational measures for each state, click here.