NEW BEDFORD — For those fishing boat owners who toughed out the first year of sector management and catch shares, NOAA's announcement Monday of increased allocations for 12 groundfish species for the year beginning May 1 was moderately good news.
But the allocations remain far below what is maximum sustainable yield, said Richard Canastra, owner of the New Bedford Seafood Display Auction.
"Increases definitely help, but I believe it's not to the level it should be. The industry is looking to obtain optimal yield, to be able to target more of the species," he said.
The Northeast fishing industry is coming nowhere near catching its total allowance because of complex rules that limit fishing activity to protect rebuilding stocks. Sector (cooperative) management and economic pressure was expected to improve targeting of species and, in some cases, it has. But not enough to make much of a difference in the end.
Read the complete story from The South Coast Today.