On October 26 the Groundfish Committee discussed Framework 45. They will recommend several changes to the framework for the Council to consider at the final vote in November. Here is a very short overview of the changes. We should have them incorporated into the draft management measures and on our web page by early next week; impact analyses will take longer. Handgear A/B Measures
–Remove the option of having the trip limit for GOM cod remain at 300 lbs until handgear A permits land GOM cod equal to the ACE the permits would get if they entered sectors. This was viewed as an allocation and not a change that can be made in a framework.
–Add an option to eliminate all rolling closures for Handgear A vessels.
–Add an option that requires Handgear A vessels to be subject to the same rolling closures as sector vessels.
–Modify the Handgear A and B trip limit regulations so that the cod trip limit adjustments are based on the relevant cod stock area: adjustments for GOM cod would be based on changes in the GOM cod trip limit for common pool vessels, and changes for GB cod would be based on changes in the GB cod trip limit for common pool vessels.
Whaleback Area Closure
–Removed the option that would have allowed rec vessels to fish in the proposed closure area from April through June as long as they did not posses cod. As forwarded by the Committee, all recreational vessels would be prohibited from fishing in the area during this period. The Committee considered allowing fishing with pelagic hook and line but rejected that idea.
–At NERO urging, incorporated an option to allow sector rosters to be finalized by December 1 each year, rather than September 1 (this does not change other sector submission requirements).
–The Committee will recommend the Council not approve new sectors that did not submit sector operations plans.
–The Committee will recommend that if dockside monitoring is eliminated, the requirements for trip-end hail reports be continued.
Preferred Options
The following preferred options were explicitly identified; but the Committee also said that when the only options were No action and a change, they supported the changes.
–New pollock status determination criteria
–New GB YTF rebuilding strategy sub-option A; rebuild by 2016 with a median probability
–Revise annual catch limits as indicated (note that there may be further changes at the Council meeting for GOJM winter flounder, and may be some changes for the scallop fishery yellowtail flounder sub-ACLs)
–Accept US/CA area TACs
If you have questions, please contact:
Tom Nies
978-465-0492 (ext.19)