The following summary was provided by Tom Nies of the Council Staff Here is a summary of Council actions on groundfish at the June 23, 2010, meeting in Newport, RI. As always, this brief summary does not capture the entire discussion. Sound files are available on our web page, and motions will be available in about a week. Please contact me if there are any questions or corrections.
• Framework Adjustment 45: The Council reviewed measures that are being considered in FW 45. The final meeting for this framework is planned for November. After NMFS review, approved measures should be effective on May 1, 2010. For the most part the Council adopted Committee recommendations for this framework. Draft measures will be posted on our web page early next week to reflect Council decisions and corrections that were suggested at the meeting. Measures that will be included are:
• Revised biomass and mortality targets and annual catch levels (ACLs) for pollock as a result of the new assessment.
• Alternative GB yellowtail flounder rebuilding strategies. Another option was added so there are now four combinations of ending date/probability of success (plus No Action): 2016/50 pct, 2016/60 pct, 2016/75 pct, and 2019/60 pct.
• Several additional sectors have requested approval, including four lease-only sectors operated by the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, andRhode Island.
• Revisions to Handgear A trip limits and reporting requirements.
• Changes to commercial fishery monitoring requirements, including the possible elimination of dockside monitoring and changes to the language on funding of at-sea monitoring.
• Removal of the current spring closures designed to protect spawning yellowtail flounder for the General Category Scallop Fishery.
• Adoption of measures to protect spawning cod in the Whaleback Area off New Hampshire in April/May/June. These measures are likely to include closure of an area to recreational and commercial fishing.
• There may be adjustments to the amount of yellowtail flounder allocated to the scallop fishery added to this framework after details of the scallop management program that will be adopted in FW 22 are determined.
• During the FW 45 discussion the Council spent time discussing NOAA-sponsored, state-operated permit banks, and considered adding measures to FW 45 to facilitate their operating as entities distinct from sectors. Based on advice that these measures could not be included in a framework action, the Council decided to initiate a single-issue amendment to consider these measures. The timeline for this amendment has not yet been developed but rapid action is planned.
• The Council approved recommendations from the Transboundary Management Guidance Committee for US/CA area TACs for 2011. The approved quotas are: (1) cod – 1,050 mt (US share 200 mt, Canadian share 850 mt), (2) haddock – 22,000 mt (US share 9,460 mt, Canadian share 12,540 mt), (3) yellowtail flounder – 1,900 mt (USshare 1,045 mt, Canadian share 855 mt).
• The Council received a presentation on a draft white paper for accumulation limits prepared by the Groundfish PDT. After a brief discussion, the Council agreed to consider accumulation limits in the next appropriate groundfish action. The draft paper is posted on the Council web page.
• In related actions, the Council approved Accountability Measures (AMs) for the scallop fishery catch of yellowtail flounder in Amendment 15 to the Scallop FMP. The Council also received a report from its Science and Statistical Committee (SSC) with recommended pollock and GB yellowtail flounder ABCs; these will be included in FW 45.
The next Council meeting will be in Brewster, MA November 16-18, 2010. In addition to final action on FW 45, the Council is expected to choose priorities that will guide Council work in 2011.