The New England Fishery Management Council is seeking one new member representing the SNE area to the Groundfish Advisory Panel and one new member representing industry for the Enforcement Advisory Panel. Members will serve for the next three-year term (ending in 2013).
Advisory Panels will consist of individuals who either fish or are knowledgeable and interested in the conservation and management of a fishery or group of fisheries under Council management. To the extent possible, the panels will reflect a range of expertise and interests, geographic areas, user groups and social and economic interests.
The Council is interested in further balancing the existing Groundfish and Enforcement Advisory Panels with an individual with a range of expertise and interests, geographic areas, user groups and social and economic interests. Therefore, individuals from the SNE area are encouraged to apply to the Groundfish Advisory Panel and members from industry are encouraged to apply to the Enforcement Advisory Panel.
The Council’s Executive Committee, with input from the Oversight Committees, will review all applications and appointments will be made at the discretion of the Council Chairman.
If you are interested in serving as a member on one of these Council's Advisory Panels, please submit an application to the Council office. An application is attached to this email or you can obtain one by contacting the Council office at 978/465-0492 or online at
The due date for applications is Friday, November 26, 2010 – 5:00 PM.
Click here for the application.