November 8, 2012 — The Mary Ball Washington Museum & Library will hold its annual meeting Saturday, November 17, at Grace Episcopal Church in Kilmarnock.
Doors open at 9:30 a.m. for coffee and refreshments, said executive director Karen Hart. The meeting begins at 10 a.m. and includes brief business reports, election of board members, and the featured program “Economy and Ecology: Current Issues in Menhaden Fishing.”
Guest speakers will be Monty Deihl, general manager of the Omega Protein plant in Reedville, and Dr. Robert Latour, professor of fisheries science at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science in Gloucester.
Deihl will speak about menhaden fishing and processing operations in the Northern Neck and the industry’s role in the community, past and present. Dr. Latour will discuss the menhaden research and population studies being done by VIMS scientists.
The meeting is open to the public; however, reservations are required no later than November 14. Contact 462-7280, or
Donations will be collected at the meeting and shared by MBWML with the fire recovery fund of the Deltaville Maritime Museum. Copies of Capt. Ed Sherrill’s book, The Wreck of the Beatrice, will be available for purchase.