New Bedford Mayor Scott Lang has written to the New England Fisheries Management Council, meeting in Mystic, Connecticut, to reiterate his grave concern regarding fisheries management. "As a result of the lack of a comprehensive assessment of the socio-economic impacts of the Council's management systems… the Council (NEFMC) continuously makes decisions that threaten our employment, our economy, our working waterfront infrastructure, and our fishermen and their families." said the Mayor.
Regarding the April 28th vote on Skate, the mayor stated "The small token increase to 5,000 pounds (a 75% reduction), while appreciated, will not be sufficient…" The council voted to increase skate limits from 1,900 lbs. to 5,000 lbs., a 260% increase over the previous recommendation for next year, it represents a cut of 75% from last year's level of 20,000 lbs.
The mayor also asked the council to rebuild Yellowtail founder stocks in 10 years rather than 7, which he says could resolve "the entire issue associated with yellowtail landings".
Read the mayor's letter here [pdf]