July 11, 2014 — The following was released by the Maine Department of Marine Resources:
Pursuant to the passage of LD 1830, An Act To Further the Implementation of the Rockweed Fishery Management Plan, Maine Department of Marine Resources is seeking self-nominations from individuals interested in participating in the Working Group created by the legislation.
A press release was issued in June indicating that the deadline for self-nominations was July 11, however that deadline has been extended to July 25.
The legislation (Public Law 2013 c. 558) specifies that the Commissioner of Marine Resources shall create a Working Group whose purpose is to complete the work initiated by the Rockweed Plan Development Team (PDT). Specifically, the Working Group will aid the Department in developing criteria for areas closed year-round or seasonally to the harvest of rockweed, and identifying such areas for closure through Department rule-making. The Working Group will also recommend a process by which such designations can be maintained and adjusted as necessary.
The Working Group must consist of scientists and other individuals with areas of expertise relevant to the fishery, or to the issues discussed by the PDT in the course of their work, relevant to no-harvest determinations. These include but are not limited to the potential impact of rockweed harvest on sensitive wildlife areas (e.g., shorebird habitat, seal haul out, previously mapped critical areas) and conserved lands. It is anticipated that the Working Group will meet monthly between August and December. The Department is required to report on the progress of the Working Group to the Joint Standing Committee on Marine Resources in January 2015.
Meetings of the Working Group will be public and there will be ongoing opportunity for public input throughout the process.
Individuals unfamiliar with the work that has been done to date can review the Rockweed Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) at: http://www.maine.gov/dmr/rm/rockweed/DMRRockweedFMPJan2014.pdf
Anyone who is interested in being considered for appointment by the Commissioner to the Working Group should submit their name and qualifications, in the form of a resume or CV, to Deirdre Gilbert at Deirdre.Gilbert@maine.gov, by July 25.
Jeff Nichols
Director of Communications
Maine Department of Marine Resources