Like millions of Americans, I was willing to give the relatively young and politically experienced Barack Hussein Obama a chance.
More and more, it looks like I was wrong.
This now appears to be a man who speaks from both sides of his mouth, a man who glad-hands you when face-to-face, then stabs you in the back as soon as you've turned away.
But then I guess that's how politics and politicians work in this country nowadays.
President Obama talks about jobs, then works with his shock troops at the Commerce Department, NOAA and NOAA Fisheries to destroy the livelihood of hundreds of Gloucester commercial fishermen and their families, along with many hundreds more throughout New England.
The fact is, this yet-indefinable president has clearly employed the economic "shock doctrine" tactics of the late Chicago neo-conservative economist Milton Friedman, once chief economic advisor to the brutal Chilean dictator General August Pinochet, to "shock" the New England fishing industry into a state of fear, uncertainty, mounting hardship, and finally collapse.
Read the complete letter from The Gloucester Times.