NEW BEDFORD, Mass. – September 10, 2010 – During a visit to New Bedford on Friday, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick addressed hundreds at the dedication of the Azorean Whaleman Gallery at the whaling museum. Prior to that speech, speaking to reporters outside the museum, the incumbent governor noted that federal fishing regulations are needlessly stringent and NOAA has been unresponsive.
Later on Friday, standing outside the Whaling Museum, Patrick said ground fishermen are "absolutely right," when they assert that federal regulations are needlessly stringent.
"I'm very sympathetic to their points about NOAA and frankly the unresponsiveness of NOAA," Patrick said.
His office has been pressing for an increase of the catch limits for ground fish, he said.
"We'll continue to press them until we get results."
Read the complete story from The South Coast Today [subscription site].