NEW BEDFORD — Scallopers steamed out of the city's harbor Sunday bound for two rich — but previously closed — fishing grounds on Georges Bank to harvest their 18,000-pound scallop allotments.
Many of the vessels headed out Saturday and some are planning to leave today to the two areas — Closed Area 1, about 40 miles east of Nantucket; and Closed Area 2, about 100 miles east of Nantucket.
Under the National Marine Fisheries Service's plan, scallopers can begin harvesting their allotments as of midnight today in the two areas.
Fishermen — while thankful for the chance to fish the previously closed areas — complained about the delay in opening them and worried about weather, possible collisions, the closure of the areas and how the price of scallops will be affected with so much product flooding the market.
NMFS plans to close the two areas once the fleet hauls in 313,000 pounds of yellowtail bycatch.
Read the complete story from The Standard-Times.