Nils E. Stolpe asks the hard-question: How many millions of dollars are environmental non governmental organizations (ENGOs) receiving from corporate-funded foundations in their drive to take over NMFS and NOAA, to run fishermen's lives and to destroy fishing communities that have been viable for generations?
A new website – – will give you some idea. "The odds are that unless you're a foundation/ENGO insider, you'll be staggered by the answer," said Stolpe. "Hundreds of millions of dollars just barely cover it."
"These so-called grass roots organizations have roots that appear to go in only one direction – towards the board rooms of a handful of multi-billion dollar 'charitable' foundations," he emphasized.
Environmental politics in California have become severely corrupted by all of the corporate money that flows from Hewlett Packard, Intel, Getty Oil and the Bechtel Corporation into foundations. The corporations' agenda for putting so much money into big NGOs is to coopt, corrupt and eviscerate much of what passes for "environmentalism" in California today, not to "save" fish populations.
The shadowy Resources Legacy Foundation, a "money laundering operation" for corporations according to North Coast environmental leader John Lewallen, is the prime example. This private corporation funds Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's corrupt Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Initiative, a process rife with conflicts of interests, corruption and institutional elitism and racism.
Read the complete story from Yuba Net.