Fisheries Roundtable
Thursday, April 19, 2012
6:00 to 8:00pm
Levinson Room
Portsmouth Public Library
175 Parrott Avenue Parrott Avenue,
Portsmouth, 03801
Come hear experts provide an overview of the science that informs cod stock assessments and discuss the latest challenges facing our groundfish fishery. Potential alternative management models will be presented to frame a discussion of ways forward that give the best chance for the long-term sustainability of our fishing communities and marine resources.
An overview of Atlantic cod stock assessment science and modeling
Dr. Paul Rago
Chief Scientist, Population Dynamics Branch
Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NOAA National Marine Fisheries
An overview of the current crisis around cod management
Capt. Dave Goethel
FV Ellen Diane, Hampton, NH
Member, New England Fisheries Management Council
Alternative models for setting catch limits and how do they differ from the current system
Dr. Steve Cadrin
Director, NOAA/UMass Cooperative Marine Education & Research Program
School for Marine Science & Technology, UMass Dartmouth
The way forward? Where do we go from here? (discussion)
Tom Nies
Senior Fishery Analyst, New England Fishery Management Council
Questions? Contact Erik Chapman – 603.862.1935,